Microsoft Silverlight What Is It Used For
This article describes how to enable Microsoft Silverlight in Internet Explorer. Use if you are repeatedly prompted to install Silverlight or if you are unable to install the out of browser version of TC2000 on a PC. Make sure Silverlight is set to enabled in Internet Explorer. It didn't fail technically, it a great technology till now (at least better than flash) and it's still living with a different name. Conflict of interests between the browser vendors and Microsoft has brought silverlight to end. Is Microsoft Silverlight? Silverlight is used in several units in my company. It's one of the best tools when you need to quickly prepare a web application. There's no need to use JavaScript anymore for client side actions/visualizations. The reason why it's not more popular is that Microsoft decided to discontinue Silverlight and is only supporting it until 2020. Silverlight enabled developers to build both desktop and web applications. Microsoft recommends desktop app developers to use UWP or WPF on.NET Core for Silverlight. For web developers, Microsoft has now released a new framework called Blazor WebAssembly. This is not a preview release, Blazor is now production ready. Unit 5: modern india macs history.
What Microsoft Silverlight Used For
When you access certain Microsoft Silverlight applications in Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 8.1, you receive the Access Denied error message.
This issue occurs because the websites are set to run in Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM) in Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 8.1.
Note EPM is an important security feature that helps keep Internet Explorer 11 users safe. The feature keep users' data safe, even if an attacker has exploited a vulnerability in the browser or one of its add-ons. Browser add-ons like Microsoft Silverlight are blocked in an EPM browser unless they are updated to be compatible with EPM.
The KB 2932677 MS14-014: Vulnerability in Silverlight could allow security feature bypass: March 11,2014 security update enables Silverlight to be compatible with EPM in desktop mode of Internet Explorer 11. In order to meet EPM security requirements, some Silverlight platform features are blocked. Therefore, when a Silverlight application tries to use the feature, an 'Access Denied' error message is received.
The following features are blocked: Merry christmas!.
Audio and video capture
Out of Browser application installation
Windows Authentication to secure a service used from Silverlight applications
PlayReady support
Application Storage
To restore functionality of blocked features in Silverlight applications, you can disable the EPM feature in desktop mode of Internet Explorer 11:
Warning This resolution may make a computer or a network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses. We do not recommend this resolution but are providing this information so that you can implement this resolution at your own discretion. Use this resolution at your own risk:
What Is Microsoft Silverlight Mac Used For
In Internet Explorer window, press the Alt key, click Tools, then click Internet Options.
On the Advanced tab, click to clear the Enable Enhanced Protected Mode check box under Security.
Click OK.
Microsoft Silverlight Mac
More Information
Install Microsoft Silverlight
By default, all Intranet zone sites are run outside EPM. Therefore, Silverlight applications on an intranet website run as if they were in Compatibility View.